Page 8 - Arkansas Timberland Travel
P. 8
Here in the Arkansas Timberland,
Memorial Day Weekend – OPERATION SKYHOOK
Pine Bluff Regional Airport 709 Hangar Row, Pine Bluff 71601
This fly-in is sponsored by Black Pi- lots of America, Inc. Every Memorial Day weekend, member chapters ar- rive for a few days’ fun, aviation ca- maraderie and serious flying compe- tition. Most participants own their aircraft and take pride in showing off their most prized possessions. Gen- erous BPA, Inc. members volunteer to give airplane rides, “Young Eagle flights,” to hundreds of enthusiastic kids from the surrounding area.
The event culminates with an awards banquet as trophies are awarded to the members and chapters. There is also an individual “Top Gun Award” for the supreme pilot accumulating
the highest number of points.